'another look at doodlebot.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.6 [B+=MGA] 2016-05-17 ' inspired by Rick's doodlebot! sub recursive(size) local i 'x, y, angle need to be global for i = 1 to 3 x2 = x + cos(angle) * size y2 = y - sin(angle) * size line x, y, x2, y2 x = x2 : y = y2 angle += A120 if size > 15 then recursive size / 2 next end const A120 = 2 * pi / 3 : x = xmax / 2 : y = ymax / 2 start = min( (xmax - 20) / 2, (ymax - 20) / 2 ) ? "press any to quit..." while len(inkey) = 0 colormode ++ : colormode = colormode % 6 for i = 1 to 12 recursive start angle = i * pi / 6 if colormode <= 2 then color (rnd * 15) \ 1 + 1 else select case (i mod 4) case 0 : color 9 case 1 : color 14 case 2 : color 12 case 3 : color 11 end select fi showpage ' delay 24 next wend